At Lumiparts we constantly strive to offer the highest quality in both service and products.
That is why our R&D team attaches great importance to innovation in the design and production process. This way we want to achieve maximum results and create added value in the field of the latest technologies. That is why we use the Goniophotometer.
With our "state of the art" Goniophotometer in our LumiLAB we remain the best quality offer that we are so famous for. By measuring all our products in our own LumiLAB, we offer you reliable technical lighting information.
Measuring is knowledge! For example, the goniophotometer has confirmed to us what we and you have always thought that our products have the highest quality in the professional lighting market. Are you curious about how we continuously improve ourselves through our LumiLAB? Ask our sales team about the possibilities.
Renovation from Old to New A renovation is not just about a fresh look; it’s about creating an impact on everyone who enters the space. Our products aim to meet customer needs, provide comfort, and promote sustainability. With these goals in mind, our lighting solutions support renovations that...
When designing a lighting project, choosing the right components is key to enhancing your lighting system's performance and flexibility. A dipswitch is a small yet powerful tool that allows you to quickly and easily adjust your lighting settings. Here, we’ll explain what a dipswitch is, when to use it, and how it can improve your project.
At Lumiparts, we continue to offer our customers the most advanced and efficient lighting technologies. That’s why we are proud to announce that our range has been expanded with the latest HE Ultra modules from Signify. These modules are added as an additional option to our existing line of HE+...
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2421 LR Nieuwkoop
+31 (0)172 574500
+31 (0)172 574592